Reveal the superpower
from brands to businesses.

Generate growth, build a brand image, recruit the best employees, build customer loyalty: faced with these challenges, brand design provides effective and tangible answers to decision makers. strong>

Sowers unlocks the potential of each company
through a comprehensive approach to branding: brand strategy, brand platform, visual identity, logotype, visual and verbal language, employer brand…

Since 2015, we have been driving strategic vision, creative audacity and visionary spirit to reveal your uniqueness as a brand.

How to convince your market from the launch?

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Asteren • Creation of a landmark brand

Proving yourself isn’t just a matter of time! Revealing your vision, asserting your expertise or sharing your commitment allows you to quickly acquire strong credibility! This is the successful bet of the three young partners of Asteren: personally invested in the creation of their identity, they laid down the fundamentals of their brand from the launch. Inspired by the star which guides and provides benchmarks, the agency created all the components of the brand and its language: the name, the visual identity and its overall deployment. Marking a break with the codes of a regulated profession, the Asteren brand revitalizes the image of the legal representative.

How to recruit and unite in a period of growth?

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Almond • Creation of a flagship brand

In times of change andgrowth, the benchmarks are moving, companies mustsend a strong message strong> and unifying for the attention of their audience. This is the challenge of the merger of the Almond and Rampar companies: creating a new brand language for the attention of the 350 employees and future talents. With the strengthening of its employer brand, Almond becomes a key player in cybersecurity in France and in Europe. After leading the redesign of the brand platform, we introduced innovative visual and verbal markers: a new brand signature “Move Forward, we watch your back”, the creation of a coded alphabet featuring a real visual language and a new iconographic style. These unique and living signs have become symbols of recognition and rallying, embodying a corporate culture that has become visible and embodied.

How to win public trust when we are young

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Pop Women Festival • Creation of a brand that shines

Emerge and gain the trust of its audience as young brand with a engaged theme represents a challenge. For that, Pop Woman Festival, a young festival confided in Sowers the creation of a visual identity which reinforces the recognition of the festival and transmits in a clear and open manner the desire to represent women, artistic transdisciplinarity, as well as the creative and optimistic spirit that underpins the festival. Three years later, this singular identity is a real support for programming, both a guarantee of credibility for partners and mobilizing marker for the spectators. By highlighting this strong identity, the festival establishes a authentic connection with your audience, thus strengthening trust and generating buy-in.

All our projects